ED&F Man Espana SA import and distribute sugar throughput the Iberian Peninsula. With a team based in Madrid and working in close cooperation with their London-based colleagues, ED&F Man Espana have a deep-rooted history and strong regional relationships which underpin their activities.
ED&F Man Ingredients sro import, produce and distribute speciality sugar and sweetener products. Our facility houses refining and liquid sugar capabilities, as well as producing alcohols, rums, blended sugars and alternative sweeteners. Man Ingredients are a leader in the distribution of organic and Fairtrade sugars throughout Europe.
ED&F Man Sugar Limited is the parent company for our global sugar business, located in London. The headquarters of ED&F Man Sugar, located at London Bridge, is where our senior management are based and central functions are conducted. Many senior traders operate from London from where they manage and conduct business with sugar sourcing, operations and destination teams worldwide.